Unit 0

Osebni zaimki

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Zaimki [pronouns] so besede, ki jih uporabljamo, da bi se izognili ponavljanju samostalnika.

Osebni zaimki [subject pronouns] zamenjujejo osebek, ki je oseba ali stvar v stavku.


Osebne zaimke ločujemo glede na število (ednina, množina) in spol (moški, ženski in srednji).

Osebne zaimke uporabljamo pred glagolom v stavku.

Subject Person Number Gender
I 1st person sing.
You 2nd person sing.
He 3rd person sing. masculine
She 3rd person sing. feminine
It 3rd person sing. neutral*
We 1st person plur.
You 2nd person plur.
They 3rd person plur.

* (predmet/žival)


  1. Kot osebek glagola
    • I am fast.
    • You are pretty.
    • He is short.
    • She is beautiful.
    • It is big.
    • We are young.
    • You are athletes.
    • They are fat.
  2. Namesto osebka in da se izognemo ponavljanju
    • [n/a]*
    • Andy, take off that hat, you look funny.
    • John is tall and he is also thin.
    • Maria is from Spain, she is Spanish.
    • I like the color red, it is passionate.
    • Julia and I come from France, we are French.
    • You and Peter always talk, you are really talkative.
    • John and Maria are fat, they eat a lot.

*Se ne nanaša na prvo osebo ednine.


Osebni zaimki so zaimki, ki jih uporabljamo:

  1. Kot osebek glagola;
  2. Namesto osebka in da se ne bi ponavljali.


Osebne zaimke [subject pronouns] uporabljamo kot subjekt glagola ali namesto osebka, ki je že bil omenjen, in v izogib ponavljanju. Razlikujemo jih glede na spol in število ter jih postavljamo pred glagol.

Osebni zaimki so naslednji: I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they.

Na primer:
— “I am tall.” = I se nanaša na govorca. 
— “He is tall.” = He se nanaša na točno določeno osebo moškega spola.
— “They are tall.” = They se nanaša na specifično skupino ljudi.

NOTE: Osebnih zaimkov ne moremo uporabljati namesto prve osebe ednine (I).

Ponovi to vsebino v delu {Form} in si poglej del {Example}, ki prikazuje rabo v kontekstu.


External link to Osebni zaimki exercises (2).

More exercises


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