Unit 9.1

Tvorjenje prislovov

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Prislovi [adverbs] so izrazi, ki delujejo kot modifikatorji drugih elementov v stavku. Dodajo lahko širok spekter informacij.


Prislove lahko tvorimo iz pridevnikov; pri tem uporabljamo njihove pripone. Različni načini tvorjenja prislovov so:


  • Prislove tvorimo z dodajanjem -ly pridevnikom.
Adjective Adverb
bad badly
beautiful beautifully
complete completely
extreme extremely
slow slowly
  • Pridevnike tvorimo s pripono-y: spremenimo jo v -i preden dodamo -ly.
Adjective Adverb
easy easily
happy happily
nasty nastily
  • Če se pridevnik konča na soglasnik + -le, -e postane -y.
Adjective Adverb
gentle gently
idle idly
noble nobly
  • Pridevnik s pripono -ic: dodamo -ally.
Adjective Adverb
drastic drastically
enthusiastic enthusiastically
tragic tragically


Adjective Adverb
full fully
public publicly
shy shyly
true truly

Friendly in timely sta pridevnika; če ju želimo uporabiti kot prislova, sledimo tema strukturama:

  • Friendly ⇒ in a friendly manner;
  • Timely ⇒ in a timely manner.



Večina prislovov

  • He was answering slowly.

Pridevnik s pripono -y

  • She easily moved to another flat.

Pridevnik, ki se konča na soglasnik + -le, -e

  • She gently opened the pack of flour.
  • You idly ate that tin of tuna.

Pridevnik s pripono -ic

  • They enthusiastically made a jar of marmalade.


  • She shyly asked a question.
  • We offered her some orange juice in a friendly manner.


Prislov je beseda, ki opisuje ali daje več informacij o glagolu, pridevniku, besedni zvezi ali drugemu prislovu.


Prislovi [adverbs] so izrazi, ki delujejo kot modifikatorji drugih elementov v stavku.

Na primer:
“Beautiful” ⇒ “I wrapped a box of biscuits beautifully.” = dodamo -ly;

Obstajajo nekatere izjeme, ki so odvisne od končnice pridevnikov.

Na primer:
— S pripono -y: “Easy ⇒  “I can easily drink alcoholic drinks.” = -y spremenimo v -i in dodamo -ly;
Soglasnik + -le: “Noble ⇒ “The knight who nobly fought was thirsty.” = -e spremenimo v -y;
— S pripono -ic: “Drastic ⇒ “Steak prices drastically changed.” = dodamo -ally.

Nekateri prislovi so nepravilni in ne obstaja pravilo o temu, kako jih tvorimo (fully, publiclyin a timely manner…).

Na primer:
— “Publicly” ⇒ “He publicly continued his speech.

Ponovi to vsebino v delu {Form} in si poglej del {Example}, ki prikazuje rabo v kontekstu.


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