Unit 9.1

Stopenjski prislovi

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Prislovi [adverbs] so izrazi, ki delujejo kot modifikatorji drugih elementov v stavku. Dodajo lahko širok spekter informacij.

Stopenjske prislove [adverbs of degree] uporabljamo za dodajanje informacij o intenzivnosti dejanja ali pridevnika {glej Prislovi – Stopnja, stopnja A1}.


Stopenjski prislovi ponavadi stojijo za pomožnimi glagoli to be ali to have, ali pred drugimi glagoli ali besedami, ki jih modificirajo.


V večini primerov pravilne stopenjske prislove dobimo tako, da pridevnikom dodamo -ly. Najpogosteje rabljeni so:

Adjective Adverb
bare barely
real really
total totally
complete completely
absolute absolutely


Nepravilni stopenjski prislovi ne sledijo enakemu pravilu in preprosto obdržijo obliko pridevnika, na primer:

Adjective Adverb
almost almost
enough enough
too too
very very
quite quite



  • They barely know each other.
  • We are really angry about the noise.
  • It is totally worth it!
  • You are completely wrong!
  • You have absolutely nothing to drink.


  • She almost spilt the orange juice.
  • I think you had enough wine.
  • This bag of potatoes is too heavy.
  • They are very thirsty.
  • You have quite a shopping list here.


Stopenjske prislove uporabljamo, da bi pokazali intenzivnost dejanja, pridevnika ali drugega prislova.


Stopenjski prislovi [adverbs of degree] dajejo informacije o intenzivnosti dejanja ali pridevnika. Ponavadi stojijo za pomožnimi glagoli in pred drugimi glagoli ali besedami, ki jih modificirajo.

Tvorimo jih tako, da pridevnikom dodamo -ly (barely, really, totally, completely, absolutely…).

Na primer:
— “Absolute” ⇒ “I absolutely agree with you.” = Kaže intenzivnost dejanja.
“Real” ⇒ “I am really happy right now.” = Kaže intenzivnost pridevnika.

Nekateri stopenjski prislovi so nepravilni in preprosto obdržijo pridevniško obliko (almost, enough, too, very, quite…).

Na primer:
“Almost” ⇒ “She almost drinks it all” = Kaže intenzivnost dejanja.
Enough” ⇒ “It is cold enough.” = Kaže intenzivnost pridevnika.

Ponovi to vsebino v delu {Form} in si poglej del {Example}, ki prikazuje rabo v kontekstu.


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