Unit 6.2
Časovni predlogi
Predlogi [prepositions] so majhne besede, ki povezujejo elemente v povedi. Pomembne so, ker dodajajo podrobnosti o povedi.
Časovne predloge [prepositions of time] uporabljamo za umeščanje dogodka v časovni okvir.
Časovni predlogi ne stojijo sami zase, ampak delujejo z drugimi elementi v povedi in ustvarjajo predložne zveze [prepositional phrases]. Časovni predlogi so: at, on, in in by.
- Everyday at 7.00 clock I can see the stars.
- He is going to the forest at Easter.
- At weekends we take the dogs for a walk.
- On Sundays, I usually relax with my friends by going to the coast.
- She was born on the 1st of September in 1997.
- The island sank on Sunday morning.
- I always travel to famous forests in Finland in November.
- In autumn it always rains.
- In the evening the horses started to run.
- Please, send me those tickets by Monday.
- She has to finish her world map by next week.
- Is Maria still in the garden? Yes, she will be back by evening.
Časovni predlogi omogočajo umeščanje dogodka v specifični trenutek ali obdobje.
- Exact times (the moment, sunrise, noon, night, midnight, hours);
- Special holiday periods (Christmas*, Easter…);
- Weekend*.
- Days of the week (Monday, Saturday, Wednesday…);
- Dates;
- Specific part of the day (on Sunday morning).
- Months, years, centuries;
- Seasons;
- The morning, the afternoon, the evening.
- Time-limited actions;
- Projects with deadline;
- Time of someone´s return.
*V ameriški angleščini lahko srečamo on namesto at.
Časovne predloge uporabljamo za umeščanje dogodka v časovni kontekst.
Glavni predlogi so:
- At: za točno določen čas, posebna praznična obdobja ali vikend.
- On: dnevi v tednu, datumi in specifični deli dneva.
- In: meseci, leta, letni časi, stoletja, jutro, popoldne in večer.
- By: omejena dejanja, projekti z rokom in čas vrnitve nekoga.
Na primer:
— “I will go to my grandparents’ house at Christmas.”
— “I will go to my grandparents’ house on 25th of December.”
— “I will go to my grandparents’ house in December.”
— “I will return from my grandparent´s house by December.”
NOTE: V ameriški angleščini lahko srečamo Christmas in weekend z on namesto z at.
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