Unit 10.1
Povečevalci in zmanjševalci
Prislovi [adverbs] so izrazi, ki delujejo kot modifikatorji drugih elementov v stavku. Dodajajo širok spekter informacij.
Stopenjske prislove [adverbs of degree] uporabljamo za dodajanje informacij o inenzivnosti dejanja ali pridevnika {glej Stopenjski prislovi, stopnja A1}.
Povečevalci [intensifiers] in zmanjševalci [mitigators] so del stopenjskih prislovov.
Najpogosteje rabljeni so: highly, absolutely, so, utterly, incredibly, particularly…
Najpogosteje rabljeni so: fairly, pretty (informal), rather, slightly…
{Glej Stopenjski prislovi, stopnja A2}.
- The climate was highly dry.
- It is absolutely impossible to win at most carnival games.
- He was so helpful.
- The view is utterly beautiful.
- We came incredibly close to falling off the stairs.
- These drawings are particularly good.
- These crystals are fairly bright.
- The view was pretty good, but not breathtaking.
- I’m rather bored.
- It is slightly expensive, but I’m still going to buy it.
Povečevalce uporabljamo zato, da naredimo besede in izraze močnejše.
Zmanjševalce uporabljamo zato, da naredimo besede in izraze šibkejše.
Povečevalci [intensifiers] in zmanjševalci [mitigators] predstavljajo dve vrsti stopenjskih prislovov. Povečevalce uporabljamo za poudarjanje besed ali izrazov, zmanjševalce pa za zmanjševanje poudarka na te besede in izraze.
Najpogosteje rabljeni povečevalci so: highly, absolutely, so, incredibly, utterly, particularly…
Najpogosteje rabljeni zmanjševalci so: fairly, pretty, rather, slightly…
Na primer:
— “I am absolutely sure he is lying.” = Obstaja velika možnost, da laže, zato uporabimo povečevalec.
— “I am fairly sure that he is lying.” = Možnost, da laže, je manjša, zato uporabimo zmanjševalec.
Ponovi to vsebino v delu {Form} in si poglej del {Example}, ki prikazuje rabo v kontekstu.
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