Unit 1.2

Pretekli particip

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Pretekli particip [past participle] je čas, ki ga uporabljamo za tvorjenje drugih časov (kot na primer present perfect).

Veliko oblik preteklega participa je nepravilnih.


Pretekli particip je ena od glagolskih oblik, ki jo uporabljamo za tvorjenje časov: past perfect, past perfect continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous, future perfect, future perfect continuous in pasivnih časov {glej poglavje Present perfect}.


Pravilni pretekli participi sledijo pravilom tvorjenja past simpla, toreju dodajanju –ed na koncu glagolov.


Nepravilni glagoli ne sledijo temu pravilu. Najpogosteje rabljeni nepravilni glagoli so:

Verb Past Participle
become become
break broken
bring brought
buy bought
do done
draw drawn
drink drunk
eat eaten
feel felt
find found
go gone
have had
hear heard
keep kept
read read
run run
say said
see seen
teach taught
write written



  • I have just finished my work.
  • He has already stopped exercising.
  • They have started to talk during the lesson.


  • I have lost my car keys!
  • He has put on weight.
  • They have never been to Chicago.


Pretekli particip uporabljamo za tvorjenje glagolov v različnih časih.


Pretekli particip [past participle] je oblika glagola, ki jo uporabljamo za tvorjenje več glagolskih časov. Tvorimo jo z dodajanjem -ed na konec glagolov; obstaja pa tudi veliko glagolov, ki so nepravilni.

Na primer:
— Pravilni: “Watch” ⇒ “I have watched a great movie tonight.” = -ed dodamo na koncu glagola.
— Nepravilni: “Be” ⇒ “I have been to Montenegro four times.” / “I have beed to Montenegro four times. = Uporabimo drugo obliko (glagol be se spremeni v been).

Ponovi to vsebino v delu {Form} in si poglej del {Example}, ki prikazuje rabo v kontekstu.


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