Unit 7.1
Be going to
To be going to je vetná konštrukcia, ktorú používame na vyjadrenie budúcnosti.
Kladný tvar
To be going to v kladnom tvare má túto štruktúru:
Subject + to be + going to + verb + …
Subject | To Be | going to | Verb |
I | am | going to | work |
You | are | going to | work |
He | is | going to | work |
She | is | going to | work |
It | is | going to | work |
We | are | going to | work |
You | are | going to | work |
They | are | going to | work |
- Skrátený tvar kladného tvaru je rovnaký ako skrátený tvar to be: I’m – you’re – he’s…
Záporný tvar
To be going to v zápornom tvare má túto štruktúru:
Subject + to be + not + going to + verb + …
Subject | To Be + not | Going To | Verb |
I | am not | going to | work |
You | are not | going to | work |
He | is not | going to | work |
She | is not | going to | work |
It | is not | going to | work |
We | are not | going to | work |
You | are not | going to | work |
They | are not | going to | work |
- Skrátený tvar záporného tvaru je rovnaký ako skrátený tvar to be: I’m not – you’re not/you aren’t – he’s not/he isn’t…
Opytovací tvar
To be going to v opytovacom tvare má túto štruktúru:
To be + subject + going to + verb + …?
To Be | Subject | Going To | Verb | Question Mark |
Am | I | going to | work | …? |
Are | you | going to | work | …? |
Is | he | going to | work | …? |
Is | she | going to | work | …? |
Is | it | going to | work | …? |
Are | we | going to | work | …? |
Are | you | going to | work | …? |
Are | they | going to | work | …? |
Kladný tvar
- I am not going to the shop this weekend.
- When he grows up, he is not going to be the boss.
- We are not going to visit your company today.
Záporný tvar
- I am not going to the shop this weekend.
- When he grows up, he is not going to be the boss.
- We are not going to visit your company today.
Opytovací tvar
- Am I going to the shop this weekend?
- Is he going to be the boss when he grows up?
- Are we going to visit your company today?
To be going to vyjadruje zámery a plány do budúcnosti, o ktorých už bolo rozhodnuté.
POZNÁMKA: V hovorovom jazyku môžeme použiť gonna namiesto going to.
To be going to vyjadruje zámery a plány do budúcnosti, o ktorých už bolo rozhodnuté.
Môžeme ho použiť v jeho rôznych tvaroch:
- Kladný tvar: Začíname podmetom, po ktorom nasleduje to be, potom going to a sloveso.
- Záporný tvar: Začíname podmetom, po ktorom nasleduje to be not, potom going to a sloveso.
- Opytovací tvar: Začíname to be, po ktorom nasleduje podmet, potom going to a sloveso (veta je ukončená otáznikom).
— Kladný tvar: „I am going to go to work.“
— Záporný tvar: „I am not going to go to work, I am going to the shop.“
— Tázací tvar: „Are you going to go to work?“
Prejdime si túto látku v sekcii {Form}. Pozrite sa na sekciu {Example}, ktorá ukazuje jej použitie v kontexte.
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